Cena was a bomb-sniffing service canine who had fought for more than 4 years. What a hero.
He gave a moving goodbye to a great warrior. Lance Cpl. Jeffrey and she have been working together in Afghanistan for 6 months.
That’s so touching. Their connection and love had grown so strong.
They were constantly spending time with one another and assisted one other in any crisis.
They became family to one another. The dog was constantly guarded by the man.
On cold days, he heated him and drove him over the stream. Their friendship was unique and very genuine.
And when the man’s 7 close buddies were separated from him for 3 weeks, the dog consoled and encouraged him, giving him hope.
Even after he was freed, the doggie persisted to search for a bomb for more than 4 years.
They began living together after retirement in 2014. They shared a home for over 3 years.
The puppy was later diagnosed with cancer. His owner was distraught. They were devastated and very upset over that fact.
Unfortunately, he died shortly after being diagnosed. Though he lived a great life and had a loving owner who always gave him love and looked after him.
He provided his life with new meaning and purpose. He diffused love and compassion wherever he went.
Share this heartbreaking but at the same time the sweetest story with your friends and family to lighten their day with the compassion of these sweet souls.